Thursday, April 9, 2009


Isabel is a teenage girl living in the neighborhood. Ally tells me that Isabel speaks a little English, but she wants to learn it better. So, Ally and Isabel read children's stories together and Ally helps Isabel with some of the words.

Today, they were reading a book called "The Twit". I heard Isabel ask Ally, "What's Twit?" Ally shrugged her shoulders, looked at me and asked, "Papa, what does twit mean?" I didn't have a dictionary definition at the tip of my lips at that moment, so I said, "It's someone who's kind of a nuisance or pest." I might have been wrong, but that's all I could think of.

Then Isabel and Ally took turns reading "The Twit" together. After a while, they finished the book and, hopefully, Isabel improved her English speaking skills. At least she probably improved her skill at using the word "twit" correctly in everyday, normal conversation.

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