Saturday, December 25, 2010


As Christmas day continued into the afternoon, guests arrived until we had twenty. The whole event went smoothly, the food was done on time, the children played well together, everyone laughed and had fun and we all ate until we could eat no more. We even got to do a video skype with Belinda, Daisy, Ally and Neo.

Nine of us ate at two abutting tables in the dining room.

Four of us ate in the family room.

The four oldest children ate at the black folding table while the two three-year-olds ate at the pink princess table. Alexia was the only one among us who didn't eat at a table.

Dinner was followed by the exchanging of gifts.

The youngest guitar player in the group got a new case for her guitar.

Count 'em. Twenty.

The dynamic duo of Makiah and Naomi were inseparable throughout the afternoon.

Three years earlier. The same dynamic duo.


Before the Christmas dinner crowd arrives later today, the eight of us who slept here overnight exchange some gifts and open some stockings.

At some point between when we all nestled all snug in our beds last night and when we all awoke this morning, somebody managed to fill a bunch of stockings with Christmas goodies.

Time to open stockings.

Devon and his stocking.

"Yes, Naomi, you may have one candy cane before breakfast."

Ashley prepares Santa for handing out gifts from under the tree.

The crowd watches Santa with eager anticipation.

Waving to Santa left-handed.

For Naomi.

Opening gifts.

One for Silas.

Devon gives Papa a very large lollipop.

Devon with his new, rubber Christmas teeth.

Pea coat for Nana.

Ashley's new journal.

Stocking for Tim.

New PC for Naomi.

Enjoying gifts.

Some gifts are not particulary Christmasy, but pretty funny.


Early Christmas morning, while awaiting the opening of gifts, the three little W's occupy themselves with Mouse Trap, Sudoku and The Three Little Moffits.

Devon plays with Mouse Trap in the Grandkid's Dormitory.

Silas and Sudoku.

Naomi watches the blockbuster hit, "The Three Little Moffits".

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Earlier today.

Later today.


To see the evolutionary process from "before" to "after", click here.