Thursday, January 1, 2009


About three months ago, I connected with some friends who I knew quite well in the early 1970’s. Since that time, we lost contact. So, I Googled their names, found them, found their email addresses, and sent each of them a message with photos.

All three responded. One of the three asked if I was on “Facebook”. I was not. But I was curious, so I opened Facebook and created an account. Within about two minutes I made the decision that Facebook really offered nothing I needed, so I deleted my account.

Then Bethany arrived at Christmas and showed me her Facebook page. I was intrigued with all of her Facebook “friends”, some of whom I knew from a long time ago. So, I reactivated my Facebook account, created two photo albums, asked some people if they would allow me to be their Facebook friends, shared some comments, replied to some comments, commented on some photos, and now I’m hooked.

I now have ten friends! I don’t think I’ve ever had ten friends before. We post comments on each other’s “walls” and keep connected in a way that is not especially time consuming and that does not require anybody to stay trapped at their computers carrying on real time chats.

I hope McDonalds doesn’t threaten legal action against me for using the theme of their advertising campaign, but “I’m lovin’ it”!


BETHANY said...

I'm glad you like it! I actually just deleted 50+ friends, all people from the forums. I really try to monitor my online time and having those girls in both places was bad for my good intentions. :)

The Moffits said...

You're such a cool, 'modern' dad!!

Anonymous said...

I think you invited me to be one of your Facebook friends around Christmastime. I didn't respond because, on the same day, I had also gotten about 7 other "friend" requests from other people I have known. Ordinarily I'd be THRILLED to have new contact with 7 friends. However, I didn't respond to any of the requests because about a month ago,when Ron's neice opened her Facebook account, there was a virus running rampant through the Facebook planet and that nasty virus ended up in our computer. Since we use our computer for mostly business it was quite an nasty thing and I spent 3 days with our New York Life tech support trying to get rid of it. Since then I have ignored anythiing that looks remotely like Facebook. However, if you included me in your Facebook invite, send it again and I will respond. If not, just ignore this whole post!!