Saturday, June 20, 2009


This evening Debra and I attended the Ice Cream Social that I was so nervous about earlier in the day. The entertainment that I was asked to provide went well. The audience was very gracious and supportive even when I played the wrong guitar chords, obviously got lost in one of the songs, and eventually found my way back to the correct chords.

I interspersed my guitar and harmonica gig with stories about how my dad gave me my first Marine Band Hohner harmonica with a price tag on the box of 75 cents. The one I bought three months ago was $29.99. I also shared how my brother, Dean, gave me a harmonica neck holder for my 21st birthday. That holder is now over 38 years old, a bit rusty, and it was used during my performance today. The audience clapped and sang along while I plucked chords and played the harmonica.

After the show, Debra and I introduced the crowd to one of our favorite games, Mad Gab. The game was noisy and full of laughter. One lady insisted that she was going to go out and buy that game.

The event turned out to be a bunch of fun and I am not nervous anymore.

Gayle shows Debra her fancy camera with her fancy lens.

Debra and Joanie pause for a picture.

Ice cream, toppings, whipped cream, cookies, berries and other tasty treats were the tie that bound us together on this particular day.

The entertainment included guitar, harmonica and some really bad vocals.

The evening ended with a wild game of Mad Gab, which Debra helped lead.

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