Sunday, October 26, 2008


Our community is fortunate to have a facility which offers an educational discovery experience for children. It’s called “Kid Time!”

It’s also a great place for Debra and I to do the “Papa and Nana” thing with our blended family of blended grandchildren. We have taken Weathersby grandchildren there. We have taken Moffit grandchildren there. Today, we took Vallo grandchildren there.

Since Debra did the driving, I really had nothing to do in the passenger seat but to take photos of her driving. After the first photo, she got annoyed.

After the second photo, she got a little more annoyed. But I couldn’t stop. Especially since her annoyance was coupled with laughter. How can you laugh and be annoyed at the same time? I just had to take more photos!

She lightened up considerably after the third photo. Some people might not think it’s a very good idea for a passenger to stick a camera in the face of the driver, and then snap a photo with the flash temporarily blinding the driver but, hey, I don't see what's the big deal!

As we pulled into the driveway of “Kid Time!” Josie was already there waiting for us with a van containing three grandchildren.

Before entering the building, Makiah spent some brief quality time in a wagon with a pumpkin.

Then Nana took a quick sit-down break on a hay bale with Rylie, Baylee and Makiah. I was pushing buttons on my camera at the time.

Once inside, Makiah exercised her climbing skills,

Rylie demonstrated her talent on the overhead ladder,

and Baylee slid down a long, steep, red tongue of a monkey.

Then we stepped outside into warm and sunny October air. Baylee and Rylie scaled the heights of a geodesic dome,

while Nana helped Makiah with a snack.

Baylee and Rylie both conquered a curved balance beam.

Afterwards, Rylie managed to walk across a few steps on poles,

and Baylee finished up a backhoe job.

Then it was time to go back inside. Baylee and Rylie found a stage to unleash their inner thespians

As the afternoon progressed, Rylie spent some time kicking back in a tube.

Baylee read to Nana.

and Makiah sat on a big chess board with Papa. Sitting on chess boards seems to have a way of making some people feel grumpy and other people feel happy.

As our time at “Kid Time!” began winding down, Baylee found a picture of a scarecrow to color,

Rylie made a mask,

And Makiah rode a, uh, whatever-it-was she rode.

Then we stopped at Dairy Queen for some health food and then we went home.


BETHANY said...

What a fun time! I think the health food would have been my favorite part. :)

The Moffits said...

You guys are such cool grandparents!!!