Saturday, September 20, 2008


And I'm all done with my shopping!

Well, sorta all done.

All the gifts which will be given to people we love who happen to live on islands where English is not the primary language have been purchased, wrapped and are ready to go. The last gift was wrapped less than an hour ago.

Shown above are 19 gifts. Most are for Christmas, some are for birthdays. The largest gift, shown in the upper left corner, is for an adult male. The smaller, tall, thin gift shown front and center is for an adult female. All the remaining gifts are for people under the age of 10 years old.

One gift is not shown. That particular gift is too big to fit in an LBC box. Special arrangements have been made and that gift will appear under a Christmas tree at the proper time.

This pile of gifts is too big to fit in the largest bag available at ToysRUs.

1 comment:

The Moffits said...

Wow. That's a lot of presents. Limericks AND presents. You're the complete 'cool dad'!