Saturday, August 16, 2008


This is not a joke.

After reporting yesterday that Naomi uttered her very first word, "Papa", she spoke her second word today. Her first two words have been spoken on consecutive days and both words have been spoken at the House on Hybiscus!

This morning I was down the hall from the kitchen and family room. Debra, Devon and Naomi were at the other end of the house. I heard a loud and clear “Nana” and assumed that it was Devon speaking. But it didn’t sound like Devon. So, I ventured into the family room and Debra said, “Did you hear what Naomi just said?”

It was Naomi saying her second word ever: "Nana".

I looked at her and said, “Say ‘Nana’, Naomi”.

She said “Nana” and giggled.

A bit later I talked on the phone with Bethany, who was still at the hospital with Silas, and told her the story of Naomi’s second word. As I was speaking to Bethany, Naomi shouted it again and Bethany could hear it from her end of the phone.

So, here we are, "Papa" and "Nana": The recipients of Naomi’s first two spoken vocabulary words.

1 comment:

The Moffits said...

She's no dummy!! She knows who holds the keys to Toys R Us!!!