I don't eat those items much anymore, but still enjoy them. As we were discussing this topic, I thought it would be fun to stop by the grocery store and buy two coconuts: One for home and one to share at work.
This morning I woke up early and drove to the grocery store. I wasn't sure if coconuts were seasonal or if they were available year round. As I was browsing through the produce department, a store employee asked if I needed help. I asked him if he had any fresh coconuts in stock. He said "Yes" and pointed me in their direction. I grabbed two and took them home.
Later in the afternoon, I felt compelled to have a snack and took one of the two coconuts into the garage. Using a hammer and a clean nail, I punched three holes in the coconut and let the milk drain into a cup. After emptying the milk from the coconut, I offered some to Debra and to Ashley. Ashley wasn't interested, but Debra was. So, Debra and I split the coconut milk.
Debra didn't finish hers, however, because she said she preferred it refrigerated and I had served it at room temperature, straight from the coconut. I gulped my portion and the remainder of Debra's portion then returned to the garage to crack the coconut with my hammer. I was eager to fill a bowl with chunks of fresh coconut for future snacking throughout the evening.
After sufficiently cracking the shell, I began to separate it from the meat. As I peeled away the hard shell, I discovered soft, gray, mushy coconut meat with green, moldy veins spreading through it. It was the first time I had ever opened a coconut to find that it was rotten. Absolutely, completely rotten.
And Debra and I had already finished drinking the milk!
I showed the coconut to Debra and Ashley and they were totally grossed out and I feel like I'm going to get sick.
Return it!! We should swing by one of the local Asian stores next weekend and get you one. :)
Ewwwww! We used to have fresh coconuts all the time when we lived in Hawaii (Navy days) - I love them! I've never seen one like this :P That's disgusting! I agree with Bethany -- return it and get your $$ back. The store needs to know....
That's what you get for trying to have a coconut experience in Medford in October. You want a good coconut experience - come to the Moffits!!
Boy, this story brings back memories of Carly and coconuts. Remember, he used to call the milk "monkey pee" but we drank it anyway! Another treat Nonny used to make for us was orange slices cut up in a bowl and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Yum! I sure hope you returned that coconut to the store. I hope the one you took to work wasn't in the same condition!
That is nasty. Maybe you should just stick to peanuts for your snack. Or even better I should come by to drop off some cookies to the department. I will keep you guys posted. Miss my partner in crime. Katie
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