Saturday, September 26, 2009


Exactly one week ago today, I took Debra to the emergency room because she had sliced, fractured and dislocated her toe. Five days ago, Debra walked into the house from her car and noticed that my eyeball was red.

We are both healing from our afflictions.

The pin in her toe has been capped with a small, white ball to prevent the pin from snagging on things. The impact of the fall caused even her big to to bruise, which can be seen just above the nail.

After the podiatrist inserted the pin, he bent it upward and capped it. The discoloration on all toes is from bruising. Antibiotic ointment must be applied at all times to the point where the pin enters the skin.

Still ugly, but I probably will not be able to use this eyeball to scare trick-or-treaters by the time Halloween gets here.


BETHANY said...

Exactly one week ago? I think not.

But I'm glad her toe and your eye are getting better. :)

The Moffits said...

I should know better than to check your blog at breakfast...all the sudden I'm not that hungry anymore.

BETHANY said...

Beep - What happened to your tough Perkins stomach? Huh? :)

perkyguy said...

Bethany - You're right. I'm wrong. I admit it. Make that "exactly two weeks ago". There. Error fixed.

Belinda - Let me know what time you eat breakfast and I'll post accordingly.

BETHANY said...

I'm just trying to catch up on all my spelling errors you find. :)

perkyguy said...

Bethany - What are you talking about?