Monday, September 21, 2009


I was not aware that anything was wrong with my eye when Debra returned home yesterday afternoon from a visit with her mother. I felt an itching in my right eye, but I had not looked into a mirror.

"What happened to your eye!" she exclaimed as she entered the house.

"I don't know," I answered.

I had experienced no trauma to my eye earlier in the day. But I did spend some time pruning dead branches from a couple of blue spruce trees in our back yard. In the process, some mossy sawdust scattered in the air around me. I wore a mask to protect myself from breathing it, but did not wear protective goggles.

I probably should have.


BETHANY said...


grammie of 5 said...

How long did that last? IT'S A GOOD THING NO LITTLE CHILDREN CAME TO YOUR DOOR collecting cans or something. If they ran away screaming you would have been stumped.

The Moffits said...

That's sick.

Chris said...

Looks pretty disgusting! Hope it's healing up!