Friday, September 4, 2009


Some jobs are better than others. My job is better than most. When you go to work each day with the goal of curing cancer and saving lives, people tend to appreciate you. Add to that a staff that functions as a not-too-dysfunctional, fun-loving family, and the job becomes even better.

Last spring Katie quit. She had a baby. A couple of days ago, Cindy visited Katie. Katie and Zak had received a gift package that included a pound of Moose Munch Whole Bean Coffee. Katie and Zak do not drink coffee. But Katie knew that Debra and I enjoy coffee. So, Katie gave the coffee to Cindy to give to me. I brought it home and gave it to a very grateful Debra.

Also, yesterday, a former patient came in for a follow up visit. This patient and her husband own a peach orchard. She brought a couple of cases of peaches with her and those peaches were distributed among the entire not-too-dysfunctional, fun-loving family. I found a hiding place and ate one in secret. It was possibly the best tasting peach I have ever eaten. Before all the peaches disappeared, I grabbed two more, one for Debra and one for Ashley, and I took them home after work. Along with my one-pound bag of Moose Munch Whole Bean Coffee, of course.

I have good employment benefits.

Two thumbs up for Harry and David's Moose Munch Whole Bean coffee.

Employment benefits include health insurance, dental insurance and peaches from appreciative patients.


BETHANY said...

The peaches sound fantastic!

grammie of 5 said...

Moose Munch coffee sounds terrific.
You're right about the peaches nothing like home grown.
You do have great benefits.