Friday, August 17, 2012


With summer winding down, the Weathersbys arrived for one last weekend visit before the thermometer starts adjusting to cool autumn days.

After a quick lunch, the kids wasted little time suiting up and heading for the backyard pool.  Silas, Devon and Naomi navigated the waters quite well and Tyler made his swimming pool debut.

Devon prepares to explore the depths of the deep end.
Bethany and Naomi swim together.
Tim makes a geyser with a pool noodle with Silas holding one end of the noodle against a water jet.
Silas, Naomi and Tim sit on the steps.
Tim, Devon and Silas airborne.
Naomi and Tim airborne.
Devon and Tim flip into the pool.
Naomi, Silas and Devon airborne.
Tyler sits beside the pool before getting in for his first time ever.
Bethany captures the moment on camera.
Tyler floats on a frog.

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