Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today we had 23 people in our backyard, including a dozen grandchildren, to welcome the Moffits back to the good ol' USA for their one year of home assignment after serving five years in the Philippines.

Our party was, well, it was a totally awesome blast!

Grandchildren, sitting in chronological order, include (from youngest to oldest):

Number Twelve (still cooking)

Alexia (1)

Naomi (4)

Makiah (4)

Neo (4)

Hunter (6)

Devon (7)

Silas (9)

Rylie (9)

Ally (9)

Baylee (10)

Daisy (11)

Shown in the background are Belinda, Josh and my dad, Wendell.

1 comment:

BETHANY said...

I'm guessing, based on the eleven visible grandkids, that the 12th will be cute. :)