Sunday, December 4, 2011


The Vallo section of our Family Wall has been four years out-of-date. The most current picture was taken when Makiah was a baby. She'll be five years old on her next birthday. Alexia, who turned one in October, has been absent from the wall since her birth.

So, today we resolved the problem with a makeshift studio and a $2.84 one-hour photo from Walmart.

The final product is not too bad.

The Vallo family as they appear today.

Our "studio" included some black fabric thumb tacked to the wall, a tripod, a couple of clip-on lights, and a small bench I made in wood shop in 9th grade.

One light was clipped to a bookshelf and the other was clipped to the handle of a vacuum cleaner.

The family gets into position.

One final glance at the Family Wall before replacing the old Vallo picture.

Wall update completed.