Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Last week I started moderating our department's Biggest Loser challenge at work. We had eight contestants and I assigned a secret code name to each, using the last eight 2-digit prime numbers in our numeric system attached to the word "Agent".

But this week we had a ninth contestant join the challenge. Therefore, I had to change everyone's secret name to protect the anonymity of each participant.

Since we now have nine competitors, I thought about using the names of the nine planets in our solar system, but that posed two problems:

1. Pluto was officially stripped of its status as our Solar System's 9th planet by the International Astronomical Union in August 2006. Pluto is now officially classified as a dwarf planet.

2. Nobody wants to be called "Uranus".

Therefore, we went in a different direction in assigning new names.

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