Saturday, February 14, 2009


My least favorite day of the year, after Barbara died, was Valentine’s Day. I had loved being married and I hated being alone. Valentine’s Day would annually spotlight the happy couples of the world and, in so doing, would also spotlight my aloneness. Cards and flowers and heart-shaped boxes would cause me to reflect upon what I once had and would cause me to ponder the scripture where God said, “It is not good for man to be alone”. And I would be sad.

Then came Debra.

Last night, Valentine’s Day Eve, we drove to Ashland and attended a packed house at the Oregon Cabaret Theatre. At our front row table-for-two, we were served perfectly grilled top sirloin. Following this incredible dining pleasure, the house lights were slowly dimmed and we pushed our chairs and our full tummies comfortably away from our table. The stage lights brightened and we sat back and enjoyed the world premier of “Kickin’ the Clouds Away”, billed as:

“The songs of the early twentieth century sizzled with the energy of the Jazz Age and swooned with romanticism.”

Intermission arrived after about an hour and we were each served a gluttonous portion of Dick Hay pie. Then we pushed our chairs a little further back from our table and watched the second half of a great show. Then we drove home.

I love Valentine’s Day! And I love having a sweetheart!

Debra and I paused briefly in front of the tripod before leaving the house.

The tripod wanted to get a little closer for one more shot before we headed out the door.

Where's Debra? (Click photo to enlarge)

Balcony view with Debra on one side of the camera and me on the other side.

1 comment:

BETHANY said...

I love that first pic!! I also love Dick Hay pie.