Sunday, February 15, 2009


I had never heard that expression before last night. A Savior’s lobe? What does that mean?

To give proper context to the meaning of this expression, let’s back up one day to the Valentine’s Day event that Debra and I attended with our church group. About forty of us gathered together to share a meal, to sing, to play a game, and to hear a message from the Word.

The songs were a mix of old love songs and songs of faith. The love songs included “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”, “For Me and My Gal”, “Down By the Old Mill Stream”, and “In the Good Old Summertime”.

Then we wrapped up our vocal exercises with a few songs of faith: “Love Lifted Me”, “Joy Unspeakable”, “I Keep Falling in Love with Him”, and “Oh How I Love Jesus”.

The songs were printed on pink paper, an appropriate color for the event, and Vi led the group with her usual, upbeat level of enthusiasm from her perch at the piano.

On the last song, “Oh, How I Love Jesus”, the pink printed paper contained a poorly proofread problem: a typographical error. It was a bit obvious and a bit distracting for some of us. One of the choruses should have read:

It tells me of a Savior’s love
Who died to set me free
It tells me of His precious blood
The sinner’s perfect plea.

That’s how it should have been typed. But it wasn’t. Whoever typed the lyrics accidentally struck the “b” on the keyboard instead of striking the “v” when typing the word “love”. So, it came out “lobe”. And the whole group, in unison, sang, “It tells me of a Savior’s lobe”. Well, they actually sang “love”, even though they were looking at the word “lobe”.

Without trying to appear obvious, I looked around to see that others were also looking around. And chuckling. Making eye contact with Debra, she started to laugh. She tried to control her laughter for the sake of the greater good and she did pretty well. She kept the volume of the laughter down, but the face was difficult to control.

And, of course, I didn’t help much by egging her on. I kept pinching my ear lobe while singing “lobe, lobe, lobe, lobe, lobe, lobe, lobe” throughout the rest of the song. Debra totally lost it for a couple of minutes before I decided to behave myself.

The food line

The feast

Me and my gal

Vi at the piano with her pink sheet

Singing from the pink sheet

Having just discovered the word "lobe", Debra grins

Realizing that her response to the word "lobe" is being documented with photos, Debra loses it.

Debra, who is bilingual with English and Spanish skills, also can speak in sign language. This is sign language for "Would you please be so kind as to quit making me laugh and quit taking pictures of me?".

Eventually, Debra refuses to make eye contact with her husband.

Leigh lectures on "Love".

Not only did we sing of a Savior's "lobe", but we also had to figure out "Who" or "How" we loved Jesus. (Click photo to enlarge it)

To see additional photos, click the words "Valentine's Day event" in the text above.


BETHANY said...

I hate getting the giggles during something that is supposed to be serious.

Ashley said...

You are the king of finding typographical errors, and you specialize in doing so at bad times!