Throughout the day, Belinda checked on Gigay to see how her burn injuries were doing. What seemed not so serious earlier in the day became more serious as the day progressed. By the middle of the afternoon, she had massive blisters where she had been burned earlier this morning. The concern was that these blisters might break, leaving unprotected skin open to infection.Therefore, it was decided that Josh and Belinda should take her to the hospital, about three hours away, spend the night in town, then return tomorrow morning.That left me alone with three grandchildren for the night.
Ally, Neo, Daisy and I had leftovers for dinner. I took them out of the refrigerator, placed them in the oven, and removed them from the oven when it seemed like they should be adequately warm. They were not adequately warm. We ate them anyway.
After a nice cold dinner, we played Blokus, ate chips and played the Wii. Daisy and Ally got to stay up about an hour past their bedtime, complements of a permissive Papa, then they went to bed.
Party with Papa!! I'm sure the late bedtime helped make up for the cold dinner.
Wow! What a day y'all had. I'm thankful it wasn't any worse than it was.
Maybe you can inspire Hannah to keep her blog updated like yours. Wonderful pictures! I've learned a lot here. Keep it up.
Late bedtimes -- that's a Papa's privilege.... Gotta get that grandkid time however you can, whenever you can!
Sounds like a fun evening with the kids! Papa had an opportunity to spoil them a little. That's always fun!
Looks like you all had a good time! :)
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