Keeping connected with family and friends in a personal and not-so-private way
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
This morning, after Daisy and I made pancakes, I told her and Ally that I wanted to go for a walk with them. They gladly accompanied me, and we strolled through their village for about an hour.
Ally and Daisy walking along the main road in the village.
A typical home along the side of the road.
A couple of neighbors going for a ride as we were going for a stroll.
One pretty flower and two pretty girls.
Daisy took this photo of me with some of her neighbors in front of their home.
Ally strikes a pose from a tree beside the road.
Three of the Moffit's friends stop on their motorcycle to tell us that we should not walk any further down the road. They were concerned about our safety according to Daisy, who translated what they said into English for me.
As we headed in one direction, we were passed by another neighbor heading in the opposite direction with his cow and plowing equipment.
Daisy told me that Filipinos like having their pictures taken by Americans because they think they might become famous as other Americans see the pictures.
Ally stops to show me a flower that is filled with sweet, tasty nectar.
Then Ally persuades me to try the nectar myself. It was sweet and tasty.
As we walked, we saw a neighbor spraying his crops.
The local store.
More friends of the Moffits.
D Daisy handles the camera while their friend, Cindy, joins Ally and me for a photo shoot.
A father fixes a tire while his son observes.
More friends hoping for fame in America.
Another neighbor, standing in her window, more than happy to have her picture taken by an American.
I love the one of the girls walking home. Priceless!
All of the pictures are so good! I especially like the one with two pretty girls and one pretty flower :)
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