Sunday, January 8, 2012


Very few men in their seventh decade of life are into the music of Taylor Swift. I am no exception. I am more into the music of the Beatles, or Simon and Garfunkel, or Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Mostly, I am into the music of singers who are either old or dead.

But I am also very much into our grandchildren. And one of our grandchildren, Baylee, has been playing guitar for a little over a year now and she is into the music of Taylor Swift. In fact, a couple of months ago she gave me a song sheet of a Taylor Swift Christmas song and asked me if I’d perform it with her in front of the family on Christmas day. But before we performed it, I prepared a sing-along video so that Baylee and I could each practice it individually from our own homes on YouTube before playing it for the family.

Then I thought it might be fun to put together one more Taylor Swift song, along with lyrics and guitar chords, and post that one on YouTube, too. Now Baylee can learn one more song in this particular genre. And this may very well be the last Taylor Swift song I’ll ever be learning, goo goo g’joob.

To learn this song:
(1) Pick up a guitar
(2) Place a capo on the first fret
(3) Click here

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