Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day all of our out-of-town grandchildren can sleep and play in their own space while their parents sleep by themselves in the spare bedroom.

I have a dream that one day Weathersby children and Moffit children and a little Hunter can play together in unity in their very own room at Papa and Nana's house.

I have a dream today.

And today I took steps toward fulfilling that dream.

With a 220-volt heater installed in our covered patio a couple of weeks ago, the grandkids can now sleep in warmth. But with a concrete floor, comfort may still evade them.

A piece of indoor/outdoor carpeting might provide just the finishing touch to make the covered patio more grandkid-friendly.

Lighter than it looks, I carried it from the pickup to the patio all by myself.

Trimming required for proper fit.

Razor knife in action.

Trimming around the cabinets required.

Carpet installed.

Heat above, carpet below. Bring on the grandkids!

Rest required upon completion of project.


BETHANY said...

Looks fantastic!

The Moffits said...

I know three little kids who can't wait to stay in Papa's grandkids dormitory.