Monday, November 1, 2010


Today I installed most of the flooring along the hallway from the family room to the bedrooms.

Tomorrow will be tricky.

I'll need to cut and chisel the bottoms of each doorway frame along the hallway. With three bedrooms, two closets and one bathroom facing the hall, that will be twelve frames that I'll need to cut slightly above the floor level so that the laminate flooring and the underlay pad can slip under them.

Looking down the hallway from the family room, first at the beginning and then at the end of the day.

Same direction, lower view.

Facing the master bedroom from the spare room, beginning and end of the day.

From the hallway facing the family room, with Bethany, Belinda and Daisy framed in a photo on the wall to the left.


BETHANY said...

Looks great!

The Moffits said...

Wow, Dad, great job! It's beautiful!