Saturday, December 12, 2009


It's been cold lately. We arose this morning to see several stalactites and only one stalagmite in our yard. A few melting stalactites hung on our back deck. By the time I grabbed the camera, the single stalagmite had already collapsed.

Ashley asked how I remember the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite. I remember because of a memory link I was taught by a teacher when I was in elementary school. "Stalactite" is spelled with a "c" for "ceiling". "Stalagmite" is spelled with a "g" for "ground".

The rail on the left side of the steps heading up to the deck.

The post supporting the rail on the left side of the steps heading up to the deck.

The rail on the right side of the steps heading up toward the deck.

The post supporting the rail on the right side of the steps heading up toward the deck.

The steps.

The steps up close.

An underside view of the steps.

The rail on the deck.

A different view of the same rail.

A deck chair.

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