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CHRISTMAS NOTES (Part 2 of 15)
PLAYING WELL TOGETHERWhen members of our family get together, games come out of closets and laughter comes out of mouths. That's just the way it is.
Silas and Ally waste no time getting started on a long, monotonous game of Monotony, er, uh, Monopoly.
Eventually, Ally disappears from the game, Daisy shows up, and the game moves from the floor to a table. As a side note, the game was never completed.
Ashley shows Neo a game on her phone. Neo spends the next few moments moaning and sighing with a motor-skill-frustration in his tone.
While Tyler was soaking up snuggles from everyone under the roof, Aunt Beep thought that Silas might want some personal snuggling of his own. He did not.
Ashley helps Neo move magnetic hair around on a cardboard face while Naomi takes her turn with Ashley's phone app.
Still playing together.
He played the drum for HimPa, rum, pa, pum, pum
Rum, pa, pum, pum
Rum, pa, pum, pum
Naomi's turn
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