4:30 a.m.
My alarm goes off. I shave. Then I eat breakfast. I eat the same breakfast every morning: One banana, one boiled albumen and one bowl of uncooked oatmeal with raisins and cold milk. Every morning.
5:00 a.m.
After breakfast, I hydrate myself with about a quart of water before spending 30 minutes on an elliptical exerciser while watching the morning news. Actually, I flip channels between Fox News and ESPN while working out.
6:00 a.m.
Two cups of coffee and one chapter of the Bible.
The final intersection before reaching the hospital, which is shown in the background.
The parking structure where I park my pickup.
Among the first to arrive in the parking structure, I park my white pickup on the first ramp.
6:30 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
After exercising and showering, I get dressed for work and then drink two cups of coffee and read one chapter in the Bible before leaving the house. Maybe I should drink only one cup and read two chapters, but I don't.
6:30 a.m.
I arrive at the hospital where my job is treating cancer patients with radiation. The treatment machine is called a "linear accelerator". Before the first patient arrives, certain quality assurance tests must be completed to insure that the radiation beam is producing the correct energy, is flat and is symmetrical. Also, the machine must be checked for correct water level, water pressure, water temperature, air pressure and gas pressure.
4:30 p.m.
The highlight of my day is clocking out of work and returning home. Debra and I have established a practice over the past nine years in which we spend my first 20 minutes home from work drinking decaf coffee and catching up with each other on how the day has gone. After our 20-minute visit, I do whatever chores I need to do before we eat dinner: check email, pay bills, work in the yard or help in the kitchen. Finally, we eat dinner while watching "The O'Reilly Factor".
1 comment:
We both did timeline posts today. Yours was first, but I hadn't read it when I did mine. Yours was emotionally neutral and mine was sad, but it's still a little creepy that we posted similarly on the same day. It's like we're related or something.
I think my favorite picture is the hydration one. :)
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