A couple of weeks ago, as I was anticipating the upcoming birthday of my brother, Dean, it dawned on me that the word "Dean" rhymes with the word "Jean". So, I got in touch with my inner plagiarist and rewrote the tune in celebration of Dean's birthday.
A couple of side notes: First, an annual standing joke between Dean and me is that, on his birthday, I have always pointed out that his current age and his age on his next birthday are always the "sissy ages". When I was fourteen and he had just turned twelve, for example, I would announce to Dean, "Twelve and thirteen are the sissy ages." Now that I am sixty, that tradition has remained unchanged. This birthday song for Dean makes reference to that tradition.
Also, Dean informed me that he recently slammed a door on his hand, seriously injuring the middle finger on his left hand. He has had to wear a finger brace while it heals. This birthday song for Dean makes reference to that incident.
Finally, before I could begin working on this song for Dean, I needed to familiarize myself with the original Rod McKuen version of "Jean". I quickly located it on You Tube, listened to it a few times, received all the inspiration I needed to tackle the task, then began writing.
After I finished the project and mailed it, I wondered if it would make Dean laugh or cry or smile or get offended or all of the above. He received it in the mail today and called me. He loved it!

A not-so-young Dean
To fully appreciate the song "Dean", you must first hear the song "Jean". Click here.
Now that you've heard the Rod McKuen song, you can see and hear what a plagiarist does with time on his hands. Now, click here.

A not-so-young Dean and a not-so-young me.
That's a long song! Your plagiarism skills are strong as always. :)
Wow! I am SO IMPRESSED! What a great job you did, Bruce!
You are VERY talented!
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