Getting ready to go to the Evergreen Ballroom in August 2001.
Friday nights continued to be our date night for several years into our marriage. Then something slowly evolved. Us. We got older. We got more tired. We began to approach Friday nights with increasing fatigue following a full week of working.
Then we started doing dates on afternoons. Matinee movies and plays became much more attractive than late Friday night activities. We were a bit surprised, however, to see how many children and old people attended these matinees.
This weekend has been a continuation of this evolutionary process. Yesterday, Friday, we both got home from work, drove to Carl's Jr, picked up some food at their drive-thru, took the food home, and ate it in front of the television. It was wonderful!
Then, this morning, we did something we have never done before as a married couple. We went out on a date to breakfast. It was wonderful!
And, of course, no breakfast date is complete without making a movie inside the restaurant.
1 comment:
Debra must have the patience of a saint to let you take so many pics of her ;)
I love breakfast dates, although it's been awhile since we've done that...
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