The twenty-seven of us attending started with a delicious potluck meal, including desserts. Once everyone's palates were happy and everyone's stomachs were adequately stretched beyond the comfort zone, Vi stepped to the keyboard and led us in singing some seasonal celebratory songs.
After the crowd finished singing, it was my turn to step up to the plate and lead in an intense and competitive game of "Name That Silent Night Tune". The elderly among us were required to reach way, way back into their memory banks and recall some tunes, mostly from the 1950's, which had been rewritten for this occasion using the lyrics to "Silent Night".
After I shared some thoughts, mostly from the Bible, about seven things I have been given, we all grabbed the Christmas gifts we brought with us, placed them all on the floor, circled them with chairs, and began our white elephant gift exchange. After we drew numbers, each of us stood up from our chairs in numerical order and chose either to take a new gift from the floor or to take a gift (steal a gift) from someone who had already selected one. The rule was that once a gift was stolen it then became frozen and could no longer be stolen by anyone else.
Finally, we folded all the tables and chairs, put them away, and went home.
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