Saturday, November 28, 2009
As I handed the check to one of the two brothers who owns the business, he asked, "Are you Ashley's dad?" I thought that was an interesting question since Ashley never left her room while they were here.
"Yes," I answered. "Do you know Ashley?"
"Yes," he replied. "I work with the youth group at church and Ashley helped with camp last summer. I saw her picture on your wall."
So, we now have clean carpets and they were cleaned by someone from our own church whom I had never met before, until today.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This year nobody, including us, seemed to have the energy to host a big turkey bash at their house. So, we kept it simple. Debra, Ashley and I picked up Dee, Debra's mom, and the four of us went out to eat at Hometown Buffet.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Our three grandchildren - Silas, Devon and Naomi - just left with their parents after an enjoyable weekend visit. Part of the enjoyment included reading stories. Usually Papa and Nana read stories to the grandchildren. And we did that.
But we also enjoyed the privilege of having five-year-old grandson Devon read a book called "I Can Fly" to us.
Click the "play" tab below for a pleasant story time featuring Devon.
This clip can also be viewed FULL SCREEN on YouTube by clicking here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Aside from the three grandchildren who had spent a major part of the day couped up in a van for about five hours while traveling along Interstate-5, and who also had energy to burn once exiting the van and entering the house on Hybiscus, the rest of us remained relatively quiet.
The Weathersbys arrived from Beaverton today for a weekend visit. Shortly after their arrival, I showed the grandkids my digital voice recorder and let them record and listen to their voices.
Silas and Devon decided to sing. I held the recorder for them and Bethany took a photo of the boys singing together. They did an excellent job performing the patriotic tune, "You're a Grand Old Flag".
Click the "play" tab below for 36 seconds of pure entertainment.
This clip can also be viewed FULL SCREEN on YouTube by clicking here.
Monday, November 9, 2009
This evening we celebrated both of their birthdays at Gordon and Josie's home.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Over the weekend I put together my third movie in less than two weeks, this time a movie based on a simple Bible lesson from Romans chapter 7. The lesson is presented as a song to the tune of the old Beach Boys hit, "Help Me, Rhonda".
This movie is called "Help Me, Jesus", and is about three minutes long.
To view it, click here.