The main reason Ashley and I drove from Hybiscus Street to Beaverton was to attend Naomi's birthday party today. The party started at about 10:00 a.m. and ended around noon.
It was worth the trip.
Before the party guests arrived, Devon demonstrated his wall-climbing skills.

Silas and Devon had the task of moving the concrete-encased tether ball pole from the back yard to the front yard.
Silas demonstrates his knee-swinging skills.
Ashley tosses a Frisbee to Silas.
Naomi demonstrates her bar-hanging skills for Granny.
Naomi and Ashley play together on the glider.
Aggressive tether ball behavior in action.

Naomi blows bubbles.
Grandma Linda tosses the Nerf Vortex to Silas.
Bethany tries to capture a bubble-blowing moment on camera.

Audrey was the youngest guest at the party.
Let the present-opening begin.
Lots of pretty clothes.
The crowd gathers around Naomi.
The present-opening part of the party ends in preparation for the ice-cream-and-cake-eating part of the party.
The underwater-in-the-ocean cake created by Bethany.
The crowd sings "Happy Birthday to You!"
Bethany cuts the cake.
Devon eats the cake.
Tim tries to capture a cake moment on camera.
Cake moment captured.
Ice cream bar moment captured.
Silas eats ice cream and cake with friends.
Look Papa! No hands!
The party was worth the trip.
It *was* a fun party! Glad you guys came up.
Great party, awesome cake, cute birthday girl.
Aunt Bethany, You are really good at making cakes. Naomi looks like a bubble when she blows them. -Ally
oops, we forgot for a minute whose blog we were on and left a comment for Bertha.
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