Today we celebrated Memorial Day. The weekend began by perching the American flag on a prominent part of our house. As the morning turned to afternoon, we ended up with sixteen people enjoying beautiful weather in our backyard.

The stars and stripes hung from our house in commemoration of those who have fallen in giving the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Inspired by my visit to the Philippines last month, I built a "Washer Toss" game yesterday for recreation today. The lower photo is for Josh. The 4-inch PVC coupler is attached to the plywood base with L-brackets, screws, washers, lock washers, and nuts. I don't think the washers will be knocking the PVC off the base any time soon.

Debra's interior decorating skills work for exterior decorating needs as well. Here, she prepares the tables for our Memorial Day barbecue.
Jill and Debra relax in the sunshine.
Ashley and Gwen relax in the shade while competing in a game of "Hi Ho Cherry-O".
Gordon and Skeeter also relax and visit under the shade structure.
Relaxing gives way to recreation as Gwen serves the ping pong ball to Ashley.
With Gordon's camera facing us, I encourage Makiah to wave at Daddy.
Rylie, Gwen, Anelise and Baylee cool their feet in 72-degree water.
Fred and Skeeter visit.
Gordon shoots a photo.
Gordon still tries to capture a shot of Tom and Makiah. Rylie assists while Debra and Becky look on in the background and Anelise looks on in the foreground.
Baylee airborne.
Skeeter and Tom.
Debra, Ruth and Jill.
Josie and Ashley.
Ashley and Tom team up in a game of Washer Toss. The washer is seen flying through the air toward the target.

In another game, Fred and Tom combine forces as a team, each taking their turn at tossing the washers. The washer can be seen in the air in each photo.
Here, I am grilling burgers, but mostly I am sucking smoke.
Anelise, Rylie and Baylee smiling in the kind of water that turns lips blue and makes bodies shiver.
Jill and Josie soaking up the sun.
Becky hanging out with Makiah.
Anelise, Baylee, Rylie and Gwen take a quick break from tossing washers to pose for a picture.
Ruth, Makiah and Tom playing with big foam noodles.
Fred, Jill, Josie, Ashley and Debra circle together in the sun.
Poolside loungers.
Pool time ends in exchange for coloring books and crayons indoors.
After adequate time for relaxation and recreation, it's time to replenish lost calories.
Baylee replenishes lost calories.
Anelise replenishes lost calories.
Rylie replenishes lost calories.
Gwen replenishes lost calories.
Ashley replenishes lost calories.
Fred replenishes lost calories.
Ruth replenishes lost calories.
Josie and Becky replenish lost calories.
Skeeter replenishes lost calories.
Everyone replenishes lost calories.