Even now, I need to see a dermatologist periodically to have actinic keratoses frozen off my hands, arms and face with liquid nitrogen treatments. That liquid nitrogen hits your skin at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Fahrenheit and it hurts. I just have bad skin.
As a side note, the divergence of the image created by the camera lens in the above photo gives the illusion that I have had surgical nose augmentation with silicone nose implants to give myself a fuller, firmer nose. Such is not the case. It's a false illusion.
Anyway, we were discussing bad skin.
Last spring, I developed a new condition. My feet cracked, leaving deep crevices in the heels and balls of my feet--deep, dry crevices that would bleed and make walking very painful. I saw my podiatrist. He prescribed an ointment. Things got worse with the ointment, however, so he suggested that I discontinue the ointment, slather my feet with Eucerin lotion each night at bedtime, wrap my slathered feet in Saran Wrap and allow the lotion to soften my feet through the night.
That sounded like a good idea, but have you ever tried to wrap your feet in Saran Wrap? First, you rip off a sheet of Saran Wrap and, before you ever get it to your feet, it has already clung to itself. Then you try to uncling it and you quickly discover that you can’t uncling Saran Wrap once it has already clung to itself. So, you throw that piece of Saran Wrap away and try again. This is all done, of course, while your feet are saturated with gobs of Eucerin lotion.
Finally, after approximately 30 minutes, both feet are eventually covered with lotion and wrapped in Saran Wrap. Then you slip on a pair of socks to hold the Saran Wrap in place which, in turn, is holding the lotion in place. Whoops! The pulling on of the sock rips the Saran Wrap right at the big toe on each foot. Oh, well! You’ve already invested about 45 minutes into the project, you are mildly perspiring from all the effort and all the emotion involved, and it’s getting way past your bedtime. So, you go to bed with your big toes sticking through holes in your Saran Wrap.
I actually did this for about a week and asked the podiatrist if there was such a thing as a rubber glove made for feet. It would make things so much easier. He said he wasn’t aware of any such product, but that a regular glove might work. So, I tried it. It was much easier to place on my feet than the Saran Wrap had been, but it was strangely bulky and very uncomfortable under a sock.
Then I had an idea. A brilliant idea!
What about those thin plastic bags they use in the produce department of the grocery store? They don’t cling to themselves. They don’t fit as strangely on your feet as gloves do. They easily stay in place with socks worn over them. And they don't break at the big toe when you slip on a sock.
So, I went down to the Cash and Carry store and bought a roll of produce bags. And at bedtime I began slathering my feet with Eucerin lotion, slipping a produce bag over each slathered foot and slipping a sock over each produce bag.
And it worked! After months of suffering with feet that were dry and cracked and painful, I now have feet that are soft and supple--the kind of feet that any man would be proud to have.
No picture of the soft and supple feet?
Now THAT is funny stuff. Oh, my stomach hurts. Thanks for the belly laugh. But, uh, no thanks for the bad skin!
Bethany - If I posted a picture of my feet, it would only make people feel bad about themselves if they didn't happen to have soft and supple feet.
Belinda - I'm glad I made your stomach hurt, but I'm sorry about the bad skin.
Well, I chuckled my way through the first part, then I got to the glove on the foot and I lost it. Believe me, I've seen those clown feet - adding a rubber glove - true comedy!
What you needed was a paraffin dip! Oh the wonders it does and it feels so good!
I've tried just lots o' lotion, a top coat of vaseline or similar gunk, then short cotton socks at night. It works when I can stand sleeping like that, but generally I get too frustrated (and HOT) and give up shortly after beginning the regimen. Congrats on seeing it through and emerging from the process with SOFT & SUPPLE feet! :o)
This is great! Thank you so much! Mine is a long story, but my feet just recently got in bad shape. This will make going to the grocery store so much better! :o)
My doctors decided to play cherades with my medications and my whole body went "what?" I gained 30 pounds in 3 weeks! My feet were awful. After a couple more changes in meds, I'm back to my-former-self again. My feet are still cracked from the extreme change...so I'm doing exactly what you said and it is working. I wish I had a parrafin bath speedymom!
Sorry about the people making light of our situation. I too have been dealing with bad skin my whole life. I just wanted to say thanks for your advice with the produce bags & lotion, helped my feet smooth out a ton and no more cracking and bleeding. One less skin issue I have to deal with thx!!!!!!
OMG, you made me laugh so hard, I almost peed! I too have been trying the plastic wrap and sock trick and yep, I too keep putting the darn big toe through the plastic. I will hustle down and try those bags today- many thanks!
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