Then I decide to check Tracy’s Webshots page to see if she has posted any new pictures of Hunter, who happens to be listed number 7 out of 10 on THE ROSTER.
I click the link and find four albums before me. Two of them I have seen before. Two of them I have not. My eyes are immediately drawn to the first and newest album, the one entitled “August 2008” and the cover photo makes my heart sink.
I am suddenly sad.
And, although nobody is in the room with me, I moan aloud. Audible utterances begin to flow from my lips: “Ooooh, how sad! That is so sad! That’s really sad! Ooooh! How sad! That is sooo sad!”
Nobody is in the room with me, but Debra hears me from down the hall and rushes to my side. “What’s wrong?! What’s the matter?!”
I answer, “Ooooh, how sad! That is so sad! That’s really sad! Ooooh! How sad! That is sooo sad!” Then I show her the photo of Hunter. He is blinded by the abundance of tears flowing from his little eyes. His lips are obviously quivering. His brow is furrowed. I am moved with emotion. My heart goes out to him. I want to give comfort.
Then I click the “August 2008” album and the photo of Hunter appears alone. It is bigger now. The sadness becomes huge in this enlarged documentation of human pain, of a child who is hurting.
Then I read Tracy’s caption: "Having a fit…lovely isn’t it?"
I am suddenly no longer sad.

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