Five tables contained five teams who listened, pondered, remembered, deliberated and guessed. Ten old tunes from the 1950's, 60's and 70's were sung with the lyrics changed to those from John Newton's classic hit, Amazing Grace. Each team got one point for correctly guessing the song and one additional point for guessing the singer or group that made the song famous, for a total possible 20 points.
Table 5 prevailed with 16 points.
Your Cheatin' Heart by Hank Williams
Leavin' on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul and Mary
Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash
That's Amore by Dean Martin
Snowbird by Anne Murray
Round and Round by Perry Como
Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkle
Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley
Big Girls Don't Cry by The Four Seasons