We recently received our tax refund and knew it would be spent on painting the outside of our house. Our house is easy to spot. It's the one on Hybiscus Street with chips of paint loosely attached to the siding and trim.
After receiving a couple of bids from local painting contractors, we got an offer from a friend to help paint the house with me. He knows how to pressure wash and how to spray paint a house. I don't. So I thanked him for his offer and took him up on it.
Since we are now saving some money by doing the labor ourselves, that freed up some of that tax refund for other things. Things like, for example, kicking your feet up.
Currently our family room is furnished with one cheap, broken, uncomfortable love seat and one old recliner which we got free from someone who got it free from someone else who got it free from someone. It's fairly comfortable, admittedly, but the upholstery isn't very modest. It exposes too much under the fabric and it's getting worse as it gets older.
So, we decided to use part of our tax refund to replace both the recliner and the love seat with a new recliner and with a new love seat which, by the way, also happens to recline. And the new recliner, by the way, also happens to rock.
Now all three of us can end our busy days at work or at school by returning to our home and kicking our feet up.
It's hard to be happy when you can't kick your feet up.

The old recliner came equipped with this separating seam when we got it.
New furniture delivered today

New furniture in place.
Life is sweet when you kick up your feet.